safety links


Useful safety related information.

Amusement Industry
Business, Safety & Engineering Groups

KRM Consulting / SAFETY SPECIALISTS & CONSULTANTS: Information is key to preparedness in responding to incidents as well as the development and planning of comprehensive Safety Programs & Training for the Amusement Industry & Business. The links on this page represent different groups, associations, and information resources we’ve been involved with, find useful, & recommend to others. If you are, however, dealing with a specific accident/incident investigation, or situation, or are involved in planning, contracting, administering, and/or implementing Safety Programs, facilities, or training for your organization, or require an Official State Inspection of an amusement ride or attraction in Missouri, Texas, or Virginia, we invite to to contact us for consultation specific to your circumstances and requirements.

American Society of Safety Engineers - Legal Research and more

NAARSO - National Association of Amusement Ride Safety Officials
National Association of Amusement Ride Safety Officials
OABA - Outdoor Amusement Business Association
Outdoor Amusement Business Association
IAAPA - International Association for Amusement Parks and Attractions
International Association for Amusement Parks and Attractions
A Consumer's Guide to Safe Thrills at Amusement Parks and Traveling Carnivals
A Consumer’s Guide to Safe Thrills at Amusement Parks and Traveling Carnivals


State & Federal Government Agencies

Emergency Management
